and nothing is but what is not

来自Limbo Wiki

Because *something* happened this page became an extension of my userpage...nevermind

note from GoodrageSky: this page will have lots of coding/stuff implemented from FANDOM. Testing for this page is mostly done on FANDOM.


faith is for the transient people
click to open

Fading Twilight is the dreamland for those whims terrified of being chased and eliminated in the Pixel Tower...right? But in a dying world, nothing is what it seems to be...

Fading Twilight is a sanctuary-complex located on Selenograph for rescued whims. It is a campus with habitats, laboratories, research facilities and residence halls for staff. Whims are either set free in custom habitats or locked in and cared for in labs (especially those needing extra attention). But it is actually a false paradise, created as something much more sinister...

But not all whims are rescued, and Fading Twilight seems to be looking for something, to the extent of taking back a notation-fied whim from a mysterious sub-dimension. Why?



保管单位:Fading Twilight -Zero Sky-


The EBI-demic was caused by mysterious group, dubbed "the lost", by toppling a statue of "The Guru" and erecting one of EBIMAYO, proclaiming EBIMAYO their new deity. Most members were either killed on the spot or driven out. This caused rage to arise in Neon and take physical form.




Main Campus

Fading Twilight hides behind locked doors. Those may never know what is inside until they go in, and if they go in, they hardly get out.

At the center of the courtyard there is a marble statue of an unknown person. None recognize who they are. Though some rescued whims stare at it, as if staring at a broken sky. At the base of the statue is a carved line of the words, the mantra of Fading Twilight: "And nothing is, but what is not."

Zero Sky

A hidden organization, known through rumors and gossip. They are sometimes associated with Fading Twilight, although this is never confirmed. Though Fading Twilight does collect Whims that have supposedly been turned into Limbos.

Numerous of events of Whims turning into Limbos have been attributed to Zero Sky. And various other happenings concerning Whim attacks on sub-dimensions were all considered works of Zero Sky, even though most Whim attacks turn out to be random or coordinated by something else. It is unknown what the actual intentions of Zero Sky are. Just to make the short lives of Whims eternal? Save the declining population of Limbos?

Or is Zero Sky even real? Is it just something made up as a scapegoat?

Perhaps only the Whims know themselves.
