Help:How to edit

来自Limbo Wiki
银铃讨论 | 贡献2023年5月11日 (四) 05:51的版本
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Owing to more and more new Limbo come here to edit pages, here we make an editing guide to help you get familiar with how to do that easily. For more deeper code references, please refer to the help page of MediaWiki.Although it is just a page of the guide list

  • First of all, here would like to express gratitude to User:Li2S--who first tried to make a summary in editing format. Similarly, Limbo who contributed to this guide is also deserve to be thanked!
  • Anyone can add content to this page, such as formats, templates, tips, etc.
  • If you have doubts, you can raise them on the talk page of this Help. Also welcomed to test your code here.
  • Here is the old version of this page
    • It is suitable for Limbo who don't know the code at all
    • If the content in the old version conflicts with the current version, please follow the current one's.
    • Unfortunately, the old version can't be translated at present. Try to use the translator to understand it, it's very intuitive!(Maybe...)
  • Our goal is to help you make the pages you are satisfied with. Hope this page can give you enough help!

Wish you can have a good time in Limbo Wiki!

Page Location

  • For the related content of Puzzle Depository, please add in the namespace of 谜题保管所, such as 谜题保管所:0;
  • For the related pages of a user, we recommend creating a sub page for this user; but before creating a page, please make sure the user exists in the wiki.
    • Please don't create or edit others User Page without authorized by others, it's impolite!
    • User page isn't belong to content entry, so it does not need to add categories.
  • About the second-setting pages of subspace or character, please put it into the primary namespace, that means you don't need to prefix it. For example: 破碎倒影
    • If the page which you want to create already has a main page including it, we suggest that it is created as a sub page. For example:ω-5/α-3


Edit Tools

Visual Editor

The name of the tool shows its function clearly.
Although this function can help you to see the effect of page editing in real time, some browsers do not support it. You can use code to better edit it.
This tool can be selected whether to turn on, you can click the icon on the upper right corner and then click Preferences, Setting, Editor in turn to find the corresponding switch.

Editing Toolbar

Also it can be selected whether to turn on, you can click the icon on the upper right corner and then click Preferences, Setting, Editor in turn to find the corresponding switch.
The toolbar above the edit box. Put it to good use can save you a lot of time.

  • About the Preferences, please refer to here→[1]
  • Q:How to use it?
    A:Try it one by one and you'll see :P

This page will include the format that cannot be achieved directly through the Editing Toolbar, extended usage, templates and so on.


You can read it here.


The Use of Style Elements

  • As you might know, including Limbo Wiki, websites using MediaWiki as the core can use HTML code including <div>、<span>、<code>,an these codes included a useful element——style element.
  • HTML code was usually used for changing the format of the text, but sometimes you can also use it for drawing!
  • In the following table, the format of “style element”is:
    • <span style="[element]">text</span>
    • Multiple elements can exist together, just add them after the first one!
    • Unless other notifying, “Text[D]” means the default text.
名字 输入属性 输出文本 备注
文字大小 font-size:1.3em; text
  • 可使用更大的值。
  • 如果想隐藏文字,请使用“font-size:0px;”。
font-size:0.5em; text
font-size:1em; text[D]
文字颜色 color:red; text
  • 可以用来隐藏文字!(只有选中时候可以看到)
    • 需要与背景颜色相同。
  • Hex值(就是开头是“#”的那个)可以大小写混用
color:#99E9Da; text
color:black; text[D]
文字背景 background-color:green; text
  • 可以通过把背景色和文字颜色都设为black来隐藏文字
  • pre元素的背景颜色默认为#F9F9F9。
background-color:#F9F9F9; text
background-color:white; text[D]
文字位置 text-align:right; text
  • 如果想要改变元素位置,请见下文。
text-align:center; text
text-align:left; text[D]
混合 font-size:1.5em;background-color:green; text
  • 其实最后一个隐藏文字的方法不是很好,只有选中状态下才能看到文字,设备不同显示效果还有差别。而且林百里很多人都有在文章里打黑块的习惯,黑背景难以被发现,所以说还是推荐用白字灰字实现隐藏效果。
  • 最后一个绝对不是默认属性!
font-size:0.5em;color:#99E9Da;text-align:left; text
font-size:1.3em;background-color:black;color:black;text-align:right; text[D]


Refer to Template:Ruby
Often used to mark the pronunciation of text or to put in additional information.

Format: <ruby>Text<rt>Label</rt></ruby>





Supplement and Expand


说明 method example
Direct link
Indirect link
Link to a certain position in a page
  • Extension 1:How to create a new page
  1. Search the title in the search box, if the title did not exist in the wiki, it will display “create the page XXX on this wiki!” Click the red link and you can create the page.
  2. Click the red link in any page,and create the new page
  • Extension 2:how to create subpage——use“/”。
    • example:[[main-page name/subpage name]]
    • show subpage name:[[main-page name/subpage name|subpage name]]

If you can't finish your story settings at one time, you can put it in your User Sandbox, we don't recommend moving it to the Main Namespace before completion.

Text box related

Actually the text box is a type of chart too, but its number of line and column are both 1.

  • collapsible text box:

Put the class named mw-collapsible on the Html elements(div, span, table, etc.)

{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
!colspan="1"| title
| collapsible text


this is title

This is text

(You can put boxes within boxes!)


顶部模板 林泊现实官方林泊百科保护) • 碎数研谜题保管所不完整待完善过时欢迎编辑长期咕咕警告访谈诈骗
互动 非存档 主动 TreeButton (折叠按钮) • Title (标题替换)
被动 TreeDiv (折叠内容) • TreeSpan / TreeSpan/s (带格式折叠内容)
书签存档 AnchorCore (锚点) • AnchorDiv (锚点文本)
伪模板 Hide (简单型折叠文本)
字体 Color文字颜色) • Gradient Text渐变文字) • Ruby注音zhu yin) • Shadowcolor阴影颜色) • 文字描边文字描边文字描边) • 模糊模糊) • 黑幕黑幕) • 荧光笔荧光笔


1.在想要进行翻译的页面开头添加<languages />

<translate> Content you want to translate <!--T:The translate number--></translate>
  • 注意,最好一整段用一个translate包裹,一行一个translate会让你收获致死量的翻译单元(然后容易卡死)。
  • 数字编号的作用是标记出翻译单元,可以打乱顺序但不能有重复,改变原有编号会使原本的翻译单元炸掉所以不要轻易更改。
  • translate在成功包裹后会自动隐藏,如果预览界面仍有显示,请重新检查内容。


  • 注:当源内容更改后,若想要对新内容进行翻译,请在用translate包裹后重新申请为页面标记翻译。
  • 短时间内翻译大量内容会导致刷屏最近更改页面,如若不想被刷屏,可以在过滤器中勾选非翻译选项。


  • This point is NOT a tip, it is something that everyone here shall now.
Limbo Wiki is a wiki,that means it should follow the pros of wiki——concise, efficient and have evidence.Words without actual meaning shouldn't appear here.
You can create your own stories and entries under the worldview of Pixel Tower,which belongs to the category of Broken Data Research Group.However,this kind of entries are all Derivative Work in essence.While you are creating derivative works,we advise you to avoid the appearance of characters in original works,because some description about characters can esaily lead to straying from original works.Show some admiration moderately are okay If如果你的目的是写原著中人物的同人,那么请去其他平台进行创作。
  • 参数设置-编辑-预览中将显示预览而不重新加载页面打开,可有效避免刷新页面时断网导致的编辑文本丢失
  • About index:If you add greater than or equal to 4 titles to the entry,There will display an index automatically.
  1. The index will be displayed above the first title,and you can use __NOTOC__ to hide the default index.
  2. By the way,you can use __TOC__ to decide where the index should be displayed(This will cover __NOTOC__)(If you use the code more than once,the index will be displayed at the place of first one).
  3. Use __FORCETOC__ to force the index to be displayed(Even if there are no more than 4 titles)(This will also cover __NOTOC__).
  4. There's no restriction to level of title(This means no matter the levels of title are 2,3,4 or 5,once there are four titles in the entry,you will get an index)
  • Wanting your user page and signature to be Colorful and Interestingshowy and gaudy?Make good use of codes for color,appearance,style and so on,you will get it!
Guide for making signatureThis!
  • 点击(保存更改右侧的)按钮显示预览可以帮助您提前预览您目前所编辑的内容。请不要不断地写/改一两个字就保存更改一次,这样做极度影响其他人浏览最近更改时的体验,望周知!
    • Unless you have banned JavaScript,in this situation,you should save changes in time.
  • 添加回复:为了回复,您需要编辑他人发起讨论的段落。您可以利用行缩进符号(即一个半角英文冒号“:”)表示您对他人的回复。如果是回复他人的回复,需要再增加一个行缩进符号,以此类推依次增加。在编辑讨论后,您需要进行签名。在句尾键入~~~~,将自动转换为您的用户名和留言时间。您可以使用如“--”“来自”“——”“()”“from”“by”、背景色、边框等方式来提示签名者的链接所在。
    • 您可以在参数设置中修改您的签名。签名可以使用代码修饰;如若使用,记得勾选“将签名视为wikitext”。
  • About greeting new user:Please show your welcome after the new user had finished some valid edit,greeting without thinking is also an impolite action.